Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Getting the Word Out Into the World

Dear Friends,
If you have enjoyed reading Saint Sullivan's Daughter and want to help me get this story out into the world, I have two suggestions. How about hosting a home reading and invite some friends you think would like the book? Or how about recommending the book to a friend?

I would greatly appreciate if you would tell them about Saint Sullivan's Daughter, and direct people to Abbott Press Bookstore where my book is for sale. It's also available on Amazon.com, which most people can find without a link.

Through you, I can reach people who I never would otherwise! It's as simple as sharing a link on facebook, and sharing a few words about how you loved the story. It's as easy as stopping to write a review on Amazon and telling your friends to check out what you wrote. And it can be easy to host a reading, too.

It's much easier to host a reading than giving a party, but its just as fun. If you tell me how many are coming, I'll bring enough light snacks for everyone. All you have to do is invite the guests, greet them in your home, put on some hot water and supplies for tea and/or coffee, and sit down to enjoy the evening with friends. You and your friends will hear some special passages of the book read by me, and ask me questions. They can decide whether to purchase a custom autographed copy directly from me, without pressure. I promise. Even if no one purchases a book, each reading is a practice for me, and I consider giving readings a part of being a published author.

This is a wonderful way to support an independent publishing venture, and enjoy gathering with you friends for a literary evening or afternoon. Please, give me a call and we can set up a date together.

Thank you,

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